Thursday, October 18, 2007

Globespan Medical Transcription, INC

Globespan Medical Transcription, INC of St. Petersburg began operations in 1997 with 5 transcriptionist providing Radiology transcription for three hospitals located in Florida. Within a few weeks of beginning the service, Globespan Medical Transcription, INC was able to move the hospitals from a manual transcription process of faxing radiology requisitions to a computerized transcription platform that utilized the ADT information from the hospitals AS/400 system. This first partnership launched Globespan Medical Transcription, INC as a company that was able to help others recognize their challenges and in turn provide a solution.

Globespan Medical Transcription, INC continues to grow and expand. Today Globespan Medical Transcription, INC is servicing over 300 physcians and is transcribing over 9 million lines of dication per year.

Our success has been due to the quality and loyalty of our transcriptionist as well as the core values that guide our company. We believe that each client deserves the very best that we can provide in the area of medical transcription. We truly believe in a can do attitude. This attitude coupled with honesty and integrity has enabled us to keep our clients transcription costs very low while continuing to provide excellent quality and service.

Globespan Medical Transcription, INC is located in 12 Hours of St. Petersburg and one of Florida's fastest growing communities.


Globespan Medical Transcription, INC uses the latest in digital dictation/transcription technologies. Our service provides your facility with a choice of technologies that meet your needs and fit your dictation patterns without you having to spend precious capital dollars. We offer everything from PC's to PDA's to Digital Handheld recorders to telephone dial in.


Globespan Medical Transcription, INC will provide your facility with outstanding quality and service at extremely competetive rates. We believe that you will not find any company that offers the personal touch and service at the rates we provide. When you utilize our services, you are able to save on Salary & Wages, Employee benefits, expensive office space, computer hardware and software, and the list goes on. Please call us today at 863.471.4543. Your management team will thank you.

We understand the importance of HIPAA security concerns and patient confidentiality. Therefore, you can rest at night knowing that your transcription is being handled by a 100% US based company. Due to security, privacy, service, and quality concerns, we do not utilize any overseas transcriptionist. In fact, Globespan Medical Transcription, INC has on staff an Information Technology Certified Security professional. That's how important we think it is.

Contact US At:

Employee Development
Linda Thomas, Vice President
2714, Cambridge Road
St. Petersburg, FL 33462
Telephone: 561-661-1333
Fax: 551-622-1887
Toll Free: 1-866-551-1515

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